Sanford’s Angels; Sanford Hospital

Sanford’s Angels; Sanford Hospital

Sanfords Angels

The Women’s Health Experts.

Sanford Hospital’s OBGYNs Jillian Stewart, MD, Melissa Hieb, DO, MS and Breanne Mueller, MD, make for one unstoppable team. Specializing in the care of women makes these ladies well equipped for the task of ensuring Aberdeen Sanford Hospital babies are brought safely into the world. But their job doesn’t end there. “We provide care for a wide range of medical issues; much more than just pregnancy and problems of the reproductive system. For many women, the OBGYN is their primary care physician!” Dr. Stewart explains.

“We care for many female issues for all stages of a female’s development and aging,” Dr. Hieb adds.

An OBGYN is significant in that they are trained to understand the unique issues that women face throughout all stages of life. When the time comes in a woman’s life when she is ready to conceive, the OBGYN plays a crucial role in the process, providing services that start with pre-conception counseling and continue long after the baby is born. “We educate people on what is normal in pregnancy, we watch carefully for potential problems, we guide people through the process of dealing with bumps in the road, we prepare for delivery, and we share in their excitement and joy when the baby is finally here!” Notes Dr. Mueller. ”The most challenging part of my job is maintaining a balance between home and work,” says Dr. Mueller. Being an OBGYN has many challenges, but just as many rewards.

Dr. Stewart adds, “I wanted to become an OBGYN because I believe that a woman’s relationship with her OBGYN is different than any other physician-patient relationship. We have the privilege and unique opportunity to care for a patient through many important life events and discuss topics that she might not discuss with even her closest friends.”