Aberdeen Sales Tax Is Up

Aberdeen Sales Tax Is Up

Aberdeen Sales Tax

Pandemic Increases Aberdeen Sales Tax

With the pandemic affecting so much of our community, the question remains: how has the Aberdeen economy faired? City Finance Officer Karl Alberts reported back in April that we are still early in the game for 2020. The pattern of sales in Aberdeen has taken an interesting turn in 2020. Starting in December, sales were up 6.7% and then fell 4.6% in January. February saw a slight increase in sales of just 0.4% and then saw a huge leap in March with a 21.1% increase. April’s sales numbers were announced in early June and were positive at 19.3%. Numbers for May and June won’t be available until after publication of this issue. Social distancing restrictions put a halt to social life and non-essential businesses in Aberdeen, but the renewed spirit of shopping local has helped the Aberdeen economy stay afloat. // — Karlie Spiry

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