All Are Welcome At Open Mic Night

All Are Welcome At Open Mic Night

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One of Aberdeen’s event centers is quickly becoming a hub for local talent.

The Hub City Station Event Center hosts Open Mic nights as well as Comedy Nights. Open Mic nights are for anyone who has something they’d like to perform, including poetry, music, and amateur comedy, while Comedy Nights feature guest comedians.

Tony Tubes Zerr has been hosting Open Mic Night events since 2016 and began working with Hub City Station in February of this year. The events at Hub City Station have been steadily attended, but more guests are always welcome.

“It seems like we have at least one new person every time, which is awesome,” Zerr said. “But there could always be more.”

Zerr said that summers can be hit or miss with attendance, but wintertime brings in a better crowd. He is also a firm believer in supporting local events and artists.

“There was a meme going around on Facebook that said ‘your favorite band used to be a garage band, so support local music,’” Zerr said. “There’s lots of underground talent, and you need to support it.”

Zerr also said that people should support local events when they can. In order for events to come to Aberdeen, people need to know there is an interest.

“Just support local artistry when you can,” Zerr said. “If there’s an art show, a comedy show – go to it.”

Future events can be found on their Facebook page Hub City Station Event Center. //