Fruit Fuel comes to C-Express

Fruit Fuel comes to C-Express

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C-Express has been making their own juice since the beginning of 2023, and there are plans to offer it at more locations soon.

Fruit Fuel cold-pressed juice is made from all-natural ingredients, and each bottle is packed full of nutrients, antioxidants, and other healthy benefits. The juice currently comes in six different flavors, and two of these flavors are available as lemonade. Each flavor has its own unique benefits, which include anti-inflammation, heart health, allergy relief, and immune system support.

Food Service Director Elliott Gray said that they were looking to fill a gap for customers that bought The Oil Room’s juice, which was previously sold in their convenience stores.

“It was a popular product, and with research and some trial and error, we got where we are today,” Gray said.

Food Service Director Justin Kiefer helped with the research and selected the equipment used to make the juice. Mary Bonen from The Junction helped develop the juicing method as well as some of the recipes. They decided on a two stage press, so the juice remains pulp free. It is never pasteurized and there are no preservatives. Each bottle of juice has a shelf life of one week.

Gray said that the cold-press method is the best way to maintain the nutritional value of the herbs, fruits, and vegetables used to make each bottle of juice. The juice is a health supplement and is best consumed with a healthy meal, although some customers may find it functions well as a meal replacement. Gray also said that their juice helps people feel refreshed and energized.

Jennifer Heuttl does all of the prepwork and juicing. With one person making the juice, every bottle remains consistent. She said that from start to finish, a single batch of eight to twelve bottles takes about one hour to make.

Gray said that since the juice is made in batches, customers can save time by grabbing a bottle of juice instead of waiting for it to be prepared after ordering.

The juice is made entirely in-house and is only sold in the location it is made. Currently the juice is only available at their 6th Ave. location, but Gray said that they have plans to expand their product to their North 2nd St. location as well.

In addition to Fruit Fuel, C-Express has been developing its own deli, which includes healthier food options compared to traditional gas station foods.

C-Express has four Aberdeen locations, and each one aims to be a one-stop shop for its customers. //